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“we need more jobs” man i am so tired of hearing more wage slavery is the fix to anything at all
in reply to crows call me breadlady

"Job creation" is such a fucked up idea when you stop to think about it for more than a second. Everything we need is out there already being produced, it's just that people can't afford it — so we need to 'create' more artificial reasons for people to deserve to have those things that themselves are not scarce, thus producing even more of the things.
in reply to Comrade Ferret

@ferret the only jobs that we need to create with great urgency right now is the kind that do whatever needs to be done to replace car infrastructure and make human living spaces… livable.
in reply to eena meena me

Rebuilding our cities, certainly, but that isn't the kind of job that gets created. It would require a government that is actively opposed to capitalist exploitation of people and the environment. The car and fossil fuels industries put a lot into their monopoly on transport and making cities the way they are, and a capitalist government is not going to allow that to change, let alone put in the immense amount of resources required to undo the damage it's caused.