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Pacifism is the single most important value late capitalism-come-fascism teaches its working class. It's in every schoolroom, every cartoon, every superhero comic, every news broadcast: If someone does harm to someone else, or someone else's property, even if it's for the right reasons, they're automatically in the wrong. This way, even if you gain class consciousness, even if you surpass their shitty education, even if you organize, even if you discover that you're in the majority and it's time for a racist, authoritarian, bourgeois state to finally come to an end, you will never fight for it. You'll vote them out, you'll be a "white flag warrior", you'll idolize the myths you were told about Gandhi and Mother Theresa, and even as a member of the miserable masses, you will assure the evil empire not to worry, that you aren't a threat.
in reply to Comrade Ferret

If a killer was at your front door pointing a gun, who'd let them in and not stop them?
Why is it different when the killer isn't using a gun, but instead is using policy, police, and/or money?
in reply to Miakoda

It's less visible, more nuanced and requires more thought than immediate life-preserving instinct. And yet is so much more destructive.