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I know this sounds very "I'll take things that didn't happen for $500, Alex" but I have a client in a home for adults at risk of homelessness, usually with disabilities and addictions. This fellow is 68 years old and has schizophrenia and a learning disability.

Well, he brought me his laptop some months ago because it wasn't working and in all the years since it stopped working, he hasn't had anyone have a look at it. This thing is ancient, wouldn't run any safe version of Windows anymore, so I stuck #Linux Mint on it, since, well, this guy is 68 years old and is probably just going to be browsing the internet.

But this fellow has since absolutely taken to it. The next day, he came back to me asking about the fish shell and how he can get and use it. I put it on for him (since, well, it is easier to learn on than bash, and if he wants to learn...)

Now, a few months later, he tells me he's been watching Youtube videos about how to use the command line. He's been having printer issues and wants to figure out how to fix it himself. So I taught him today about how to find things like drivers on git, how to clone a git repository, and how to make an installation script executable. He did seem a little overwhelmed, of course, but was smiling and said that he thinks once he actually does it, he'll remember.

I think about him every time someone tells me Linux is too hard, too complicated. This dude is a senior citizen with a mental illness and learning disability, and he's using the terminal and having fun with it even though he really doesn't have to. He just wants to. And if this man can do all that, you can definitely use Linux to use the internet and play games.

in reply to Comrade Ferret

It does sound like it fits in "stuff that didn't happen", and now I'm not 100% sure if it does or not.

Only reason I couldn't get my grandparents moved to Linux was because my grandpa felt he just absolutely had to use TurboTax.

Everything else worked perfectly fine for what they did, but TurboTax; that was the deal breaker

in reply to Little Trans Punk

That's weird, cuz Turbotax is all online. I just used it yesterday.

But I can guarantee you that this did and is continuing to happen.

in reply to Comrade Ferret

it may be online, but they always insisted on using the installable program even after it was put online.

I believe you since you say so. If it were any other platform then I'd put your source as "trust me bro"

in reply to Comrade Ferret

Thank you for sharing. I truly believe that Linux (and FOSS in general) is one of the few examples of Technology that is improving to help the end user. I understand that Linux is nowhere near perfect, but at least it is not designed/marketed specifically to exploit its users.